Above.com’s AutoPilot Platform Shows Positive RPM Trends

The average RPM for domains on our AutoPilot platform increased to 20.3 in 2016 versus 18.6 and 18.3 in 2015 and 2014 respectively. Of course, every portfolio will have unique factors influencing its average RPM. But there are definitely ways to ensure you are getting the highest RPMs possible for each domain. Contact us via … Read more

Trellian Purchases Drop.com.au Drop Catching Service

We are excited to announce our purchase of Australia-based Drop.com.au plus two additional domain registrars from long-time domain investor Ned O’Meara. Drop.com.au is a domain name registrar that specializes in “catching” expired com.au and net.au domains at the moment they are dropped/deleted by the registry. Members of Drop.com.au are able to view and submit bids … Read more

Above.com’s Portfolio Manager Beta Release Covered in DNJournal Article

We are excited to see an article in DNJournal.com about the beta release of our Portfolio Manager dashboard. It is a free service designed to help domain investors more efficiently manage portfolio data, make smarter decisions, and more quickly take actions to improve earnings. For example, users will be shown revenue boosting opportunities associated with … Read more

Successful NamesCon 2017 Event for Above.com

The NamesCon 2017 conference held in Las Vegas from January 22-25 was a very successful event for Above.com. Our booth was busy from start to finish. The domain investor attendees visiting our booth shared a common unmet need. They all wanted to spend less time managing and worrying about traffic monetization, and more time buying … Read more

Co-Founder & President David Warmuz Speaks at NamesCon 2017

Our Co-Founder & President David Warmuz participated in a recent NamesCon conference panel discussion on “Managing a Domain Portfolio For Profit”. In the photo, David is wearing a red shirt. As an industry-leading domain investor since 1997, David was able to offer conference attendees valuable insights on traffic monetization trends and opportunities. He shared helpful … Read more