Customer Support
Trillion Direct Search Network
API Manual
Code Examples
PHP Code Examples
Here are some code examples for connecting to the Trillion Direct API via PHP. Be sure to replace user with your Trillion Direct username and key with your API key.
Note: The below code examples have been tested in PHP 5 only. For compatibility with other PHP versions, some modifications may be required.
Add Keyword Example
This code example will a create a new Keyword Campaign, using the API function add_keyword.
// define credentials
$username = "user";
$api_key = "key";
# Create a new Keyword Campaign, using API function add_keyword
// define new campaign settings
$keyword = "credit cards"; // keyword to add
$folder = "Credit Cards"; // Name of Folder in which Keyword is to be added. The Folder has to be present in the account before adding keywords in it
$my_bid = "5.00"; // Your bid for the keyword ($5)
$target_url = ""; // target URL, including http://
$daily_limit = "200.00"; // daily spend limit ($200)
$negative = "interest free"; // negative keywords
// create query URL, correctly URL encoded -- It is best to urlencode all values, just in case
$query_url = "" . urlencode($username) .
"&api_key=" . urlencode($api_key) . "&mode=add_keyword&keyword=" . urlencode($keyword) .
"&folder=". urlencode($folder) . "&my_bid=". urlencode($my_bid) . "&daily_limit=" . urlencode($daily_limit) . "&negative=" .urlencode($negative) .
"&target_url=" . urlencode($target_url);
// attempt connection and to put response into variable $res
$res = file_get_contents($query_url);
// if connection was successful
if($res) {
// parse XML results
// put response in XML object $results
$results = simplexml_load_string($res); // you could also use a regex to get data, but this way is neater
// check for error
if($results->error) {
// if there was an error, get reason reason and display
$error_attributes = $results->error->attributes();
// display error
echo "Error: " . $error_attributes->error;
} elseif($results->result) { // if there was NOT an error
// check that status is Success
$result_attributes = $results->result->attributes();
if($result_attributes->Status == "Added"){
// Success!
echo "Successfully created Keyword Campaign:" . $keyword;
} else {
// there was an error, show it
// display error
echo "Error status: " . $error_attributes->Status;
} else { // if there was a connection error
// print error
echo "Connection error!";