Customer Support
Trillion Direct Search Network
API Manual
API Error Codes
Your application should check for error code responses from our API - do not assume that a query was successful. Error codes could be produced by using incorrect username or API key, leaving out required extra parameters, providing incorrectly formatted values or an internal API error.
Below we have provided a list of all possible error codes, what they mean and their solutions.
Note: The error message can vary between API functions, while error codes stay consistant.
2XX - Internal Error
<errors> <error code"200" error="Internal error"/> </errors>
Meaning: Indicates an internal error. This could be caused by our servers being overloaded or scheduled maintenance.
Solution: Try again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this error, please contact us.
3XX - Authentication Error
<errors> <error code"300" error="Username or API Key invalid"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included your username and/or api key or the username and api key provided are incorrect.
Solution: Make sure you have included your username and api key in the query and that the values are correctly URL encoded (particularly if your username is an e-mail address).
<errors> <error code"301" error="API Key does not match"/> </errors>
Meaning: Username provided is correct, but the API key provided did not match the key on record.
Solution: Make sure you enter your API key in your query and it is correct. If you do not have an API key, contact us to obtain one.
<errors> <error code"301" error="API Key must be provided"/> </errors>
Meaning: Username provided is correct, but the API key is missing.
Solution: Make sure you are including your API key in your query. If you do not have an API key, contact us to obtain one.
4XX - Invalid Input
<errors> <error code"400" error="Valid modes are: add_keyword, add_folder, update_keyword, update_folder, delete_keyword, delete_folder, list_campaigns, report"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included a valid mode value. Valid modes are: add_keyword, add_folder, update_keyword, update_folder, delete_keyword, delete_folder, list_campaigns and report.
Solution: If you have included the mode attribute, check the spelling of the value. You may have added an 's' to the end or something may be incorrectly spelt.
<errors> <error code"401" error="Multiple Sub ID actions not supported"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have attempted more than 1 Sub ID action in a query.
Solution: Only 1 Sub ID action can be completed at a time.
41X - Missing Parameter
<errors> <error code"412" error="Geo Target is a required argument for this mode."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the geo_target parameter, which is required for the selected mode.
Solution: Include the geo_target parameter in your query. If you have included it, check the spelling of the Geo target.
<errors> <error code"412" error="My Bid is a required argument for this mode."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the my_bid parameter, which is required for the selected mode.
Solution: Include the my_bid parameter in your query. If you have included it, check the spelling of the My Bid.
<errors> <error code"412" error="Folder is a required argument for this mode"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the folder parameter, which is required for the selected mode.
Solution: Include the folder parameter in your query. If you have included it, check the spelling of the "folder".
<errors> <error code"412" error="RON is a required argument for this mode."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the ron parameter, which is required for the selected mode.
Solution: Include the ron parameter in your query. If you have included it, check the spelling of the "ron".
<errors> <error code"412" error="Country is a required argument for this mode."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the country parameter, which is required for the selected mode.
Solution:Include the country parameter in your query. If you have included it, check the spelling of "country".
<errors> <error code"412" error="Target URL is a required argument for this mode."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the target_url parameter, which is required for the selected mode.
Solution:Include the target_url parameter in your query. If you have included it, check the spelling of "target_url".
<errors> <error code"412" error="Keyword is a required argument for this mode."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the keyword parameter, which is required for the selected mode.
Solution:Include the keyword parameter in your query. If you have included it, check the spelling of "keyword".
<errors> <error code"412" error="Traffic Type is a required argument for this mode"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the traffic_type parameter, which is required for the selected mode.
Solution:Include the traffic_type parameter in your query. If you have included it, check the spelling of "traffic_type".
<errors> <error code"412" error="Premium Bid is a required argument for parameter Whitelist Subid"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included the premium_bid parameter.
Solution: Include the premium_bid parameter when using parameter wl_subid.
<errors> <error code"412" error="Keyword needs to be from brand list provided"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included keyword from the list_brands.
Solution: Include keywords from the list_brands in the list_brands parameter.
<errors> <error code"413" error="At least one optional parameter required"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included an optional parameter, where at least one is required by the selected mode.
Solution: Include at least one of the optional parameters. Check the manual page of the chosen function to see which parameters are required and optional.
<errors> <error code"413" error="No changes were requested."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have not included an optional parameter, where at least one is required by the selected mode to make changes.
Solution: Include at least one of the optional parameters. Check the manual page of the chosen function to see which parameters are required and optional.
42X - Invalid Parameter
<errors> <error code"420" error="Folder could not be found"/> </errors>
Meaning: The requested folder was not found in the database.
Solution: Check the spelling of the folder. You can get a list of all Campaigns and Folders using the List Campaigns function.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Folder not in account"/> </errors>
Meaning: The requested folder was not found in the database as it has been previously deleted.
Solution: Check the spelling of the folder. You can get a list of all Campaigns and Folders using the List Campaigns function.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Campaign could not be found."/> </errors>
Meaning: The requested keyword or ron was not found in the database.
Solution: Check the spelling of the keyword or ron. You can get a list of all Campaigns and Folders using the List Account Campaigns function.
<errors> <error code"420" error="RON not found."/> </errors>
Meaning: The requested ron was not found in the database.
Solution: Check the spelling of the ron. You can get a list of all Campaigns and Folders using the List Account Campaigns function.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Keyword not found."/> </errors>
Meaning: The requested keyword was not found in the database.
Solution: Check the spelling of the keyword. You can get a list of all Campaigns and Folders using the List Account Campaigns function.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Subid ###### does not exist"/> </errors>
Meaning: The Sub ID was not found in the database.
Solution: Check the number of the Sub ID is entered correctly.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Insufficient funds in your account balance. Please add funds before activating
this keyword"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have insufficient funds to activate the keyword.
Solution: Add funds to your account via the interface before activating the keyword.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Subid ###### is whitelisted. Please delete first before blacklisting"/> </errors>
Meaning: The Sub ID you are attempting to blacklist is currently whitelisted.
Solution: Use del_wl_subid to remove the whitelisted Sub Id before blacklisting.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Subid ###### is blacklisted. Please delete first before whitelisting"/> </errors>
Meaning: The Sub ID you are attempting to whitelist is currently blacklisted.
Solution: Use del_bl_subid to remove the blacklisted Sub Id before whitelisting.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Subid ###### not in blacklist"/> </errors>
Meaning: The blacklisted Sub ID you are attempting to remove is not found.
Solution: Ensure the Sub ID you have entered is correct.
<errors> <error code"420" error="Subid ###### not in whitelist"/> </errors>
Meaning: The whitelisted Sub ID you are attempting to remove is not found.
Solution: Ensure the Sub ID you have entered is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Campaign may only contain letters, digits and periods"/> </errors>
Meaning: The campaign value was invalid. Campaigns may only contain letters, digits and periods.
Solution: Check your specified campaign does not contain characters other than letters, digits and periods. Also be sure your campaign is correctly URL encoded.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Campaign may only contain letters, digits or spaces"/> </errors>
Meaning: The leyword value was invalid. Keyword may only contain letters, digits or spaces.
Solution: Check your specified keyword does not contain characters other than letters, digits or spaces. Also be sure your keyword is correctly URL encoded.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Folder name may only contain letters, digits and spaces."/> </errors>
Meaning: The folder value was invalid. Folder names may only contain letters, numbers and spaces.
Solution: Check your specified folder does not contain characters other than letters, numbers or spaces. Also be sure your keyword is correctly URL encoded.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Traffic Type may only be "all", "mobile" or "desktop"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The traffic type value was invalid. Traffic Type may only be "all", "mobile" or "desktop".
Solution: Check the traffic type value is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="OS Target may only be "all","android","macos","windows","ios","linux"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The OS Target value was invalid. OS Target may only be "all", "android", "macos", "windows", "ios" or "linux".
Solution: Check the OS Targete value is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Frequency Cap for RON campaigns may only be "3", "6" or "12"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The Frequency Cap value was invalid. Frequency Cap for RON campaigns may only be "3", "6" or "12".
Solution: Check the Frequency Cap value is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Frequency Cap for Keywords may only be "3", "6" or "12"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The Frequency Cap value was invalid. Frequency Cap for Keywords may only be "3", "6" or "12".
Solution: Check the Frequency Cap value is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Active may only be "1" or "0"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The Active value was invalid. Active may only be "1" or "0".
Solution: Check the Active value is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Country Code entered is invalid. Please select from list."/> </errors>
Meaning: The Country Code was invalid.
Solution: Check the code is correct from the Country List.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Adult Filter may only be "both","adult","nonadult"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The Adult Filter value was invalid. Adult Filter may only be "both", "adult" or "nonadult".
Solution: Check the Adult Filter value is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Browser Target may only be "all", "msie", "chrome", "firefox", "safari",
"opera", "edge"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The Browser Target value was invalid. Browser Target may only be "all", "msie", "chrome", "firefox", "safari", "opera" or "edge".
Solution: Check the Browser Target value is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Price may only be "0.05","0.04","0.03","0.02","0.01","subp"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The Price value was invalid. Price may only be "0.05", "0.04", "0.03", "0.02", "0.01" or "subp".
Solution: Check the Price value is correct.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Please verify account to activate campaign"/> </errors>
Meaning: Your account is not yet verified.
Solution: Ensure that both your email address and phone number have been verified.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Target URL entered is invalid."/> </errors>
Meaning: The target URL specified was invalid or does not exist. Target URL must be URL encoded, and must be a valid URL beginning with http://
Solution: Make sure your target URL is correct and starts with http:// and is correctly URL encoded. When correctly URL encoded your URL should look similar to this:
<errors> <error code"421" error="RON may only contain letters, digits and periods."/> </errors>
Meaning: The RON specified was an invalid format.
Solution: Make sure the RON is correct and starts with a period (full-stop).
<errors> <error code"421" error="Browser Targeting not available for SubP priced campaigns."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have used the parameter browser target when adding or updating a SupP priced RON campaign.
Solution: Do not use the parameter browser target when adding or updating a SupP priced RON campaign.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Please add suggest in channel parameter."/> </errors>
Meaning: If you don't include channel parameter it takes channel=direct as default.
Solution: Please add suggest in channel parameter.
<errors> <error code"421" error="Please contact your Account Manager."/> </errors>
Meaning: Suggest is not enabled in your account.
Solution: Please contact your Account Manager or Support.
<errors> <error code"422" error="Negative keyword list must be comma separated, and keywords may only contain
letters, digits and spaces."/> </errors>
Meaning: The negative keyword list format was invalid. Keywords may only contain letters, numbers and spaces, and keywords in the list must be separated by commas.
Solution: Check your specified negative keywords do not contain characters other than letters, numbers or spaces. Also be sure your negative keywords are correctly URL encoded and separated by commas.
<errors> <error code"422" error="The length of Folder name should not exceed 16 characters."/> </errors>
Meaning: The folder name was invalid as it exceeded the 16 character limit.
Solution: Please enter a folder name that is 16 characters or less.
<errors> <error code"423" error="This is not a valid RON name."/> </errors>
Meaning: The RON specified was invalid.
Solution: Make sure the RON is correct and starts with a period (full-stop).
<errors> <error code"423" error="My Bid must contain digits and an optional decimal point only."/> </errors>
Meaning: The my bid specified was invalid. My Bid must contain digits and an optional decimal point.
Solution: Make sure your my bid value contains numbers and periods (full-stops) only. Strip any spaces, commas from the value and do not use a dollar sign or characters.
<errors> <error code"423" error="Sorry, the bid amount is outside the allowed range. My Bid should be no more
than $100."/> </errors>
Meaning: The my bid specified was greater than the allowed range.
Solution: Make sure your my bid value is 100 or less.
<errors> <error code"423" error="Sorry, the entered bid is not valid. Bid should be entered in a valid format
(2 decimal places)."/> </errors>
Meaning: The my bid specified was an invalid format.
Solution: Make sure your my bid value is in a valid format (2 decimal places).
<errors> <error code"423" error="Premium Bid must be numeric"/> </errors>
Meaning: The premium bid has special characters or letters.
Solution: Make sure your premium bid value is formatted corrected.
<errors> <error code"423" error="Your Premium Bid must be less than or equal to $100"/> </errors>
Meaning: The premium bid specified was greater than the allowed range.
Solution: Make sure your premium bid value is 100 or less.
<errors> <error code"423" error="Sorry, the my bid amount is outside the allowed range. RON campaigns created
with a SubP bid must use a My Bid value between $0.005 and $1.00."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have attempted to update a RON campaign with a SubP price with a my bid value outside the allowed range of $0.005 and $1.00.
Solution: Make sure your my bid value is between 0.005 and 1.00.
<errors> <error code"423" error="Other Subid traffic can not be disabled for REM2 campaigns."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have attempted to disable other subid traffic on a REM2 RON campaign which is not permitted.
Solution: Please remove the Other Traffic parameter from your API call.
<errors> <error code"423" error="Sorry, the my bid amount is outside the allowed range. Your bid should be
equal to or greater than the bid set when the RON campaign was created and no more than $1.00."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have attempted to update a RON campaign with a my bid value lower than the initial price set or outside the allowed max range of $1.00.
Solution: Make sure your my bid value is greater than the price set and lower than 1.00.
<errors> <error code"421" error="MyBid should be in range $0.05 to $100."/> </errors>
Meaning: Your bid should be in the range of $0.05 to $100.
Solution: Do not bid under $0.05 or above $100.
<errors> <error code"424" error="Sorry, the Daily Limit amount is outside the allowed range. Limit must be no
less than $10.00 and no greater than $10000.00."/> </errors>
Meaning: The daily limit specified was greater than the allowed range.
Solution: Make sure your daily limit value is more than 10 and less than 1000.
<errors> <error code"424" error="Daily Limit must contain digits and an optional decimal point only, or be
left blank to have no limit set."/> </errors>
Meaning: The daily limit specified contained invalid characters.
Solution: Make sure your daily limit value only contains digits and an optional decimal point.
<errors> <error code"424" error="Subid not blackisted as it exceeds limit on campaign"/> </errors>
Meaning: The blacklisting limit on the campaign has been exceeded.
Solution: Use del_bl_subid to remove a blacklisted Sub ID before blacklisting another Sub ID.
<errors> <error code"424" error="Subid must be numeric"/> </errors>
Meaning: Characters other than number have been entered.
Solution: Check that the Subid is correct and only numbers have been entered.
<errors> <error code"424" error="Subid invalid"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have entered an invalid Sub ID.
Solution: Check that the Subid you have entered is correct.
<errors> <error code"424" error="Subid blacklisting not available for REM2 campaigns"/> </errors>
Meaning: You have attempted to blacklist a subid on a REM2 priced campaign.
Solution: Remove the bl subid parameter when updating REM2 priced campaigns.
<errors> <error code"425" error="Target URL is not in valid format."/> </errors>
Meaning: The target URL specified was invalid. Target URL must be URL encoded, and must be a valid URL beginning with http://
Solution: Make sure your target URL starts with http:// and is correctly URL encoded. When correctly URL encoded your URL should look similar to this:
<errors> <error code"426" error="Folder cannot be deleted with campaigns inside"/> </errors>
Meaning: The folder you are attempting to delete still has campaigns inside, and cannot be deleted.
Solution: Delete the campaigns inside this folder before deleting the folder.
<errors> <error code"427" error="Only OS Targets "all", "macos", "windows" and "linux" can be used with
Traffic Type "desktop"."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have attempted to use os target "android" or "ios" with traffic type "desktop".
Solution: Use OS target "all", "macos", "windows" or "linux" with traffic type "desktop".
<errors> <error code"427" error="Only OS Targets "all", "android", "windows" and "ios" can be used with
Traffic Type "mobile"."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have attempted to use os target "macos" or "linux" with traffic type "desktop".
Solution: Use OS target "all", "android", "windows" or "ios" with traffic type "mobile".
<errors> <error code"428" error="Folder already exists."/> </errors>
Meaning: The folder parameter supplied to add_folder specifies a folder which already exists in the system.
Solution: Check the spelling of the specified value.
<errors> <error code"429" error="Geo Target is invalid."/> </errors>
Meaning: The geo_target parameter accepts the values "all", "us", "uk", "ca", "au", "nz", "in", "br", "de", "fr", "nl", "it", or "es".
Solution: Check the spelling of the specified value or omit the parameter to use the default value (all).
<errors> <error code"429" error="Other Subid Traffic may only be "1" or "0"."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have entered a value other than "1" or "0" for other_subid_traffic.
Solution: Use either "1" (on) or "0" (off).
<errors> <error code"429" error="Your Premium Bid does not meet the required bid for this Subid. Please increase
your bid to at least $#.##"/> </errors>
Meaning: The premium_bid is lower than the average bid for the keyword.
Solution: Increase the amount of your premium_bid.
43X - Report parameter error
<errors> <error code"431" error="Reports may be grouped by keyword, date or month."/> </errors>
Meaning: The groupby parameter value is not valid. Accepted values are "keyword", "date" or "month".
Solution: Check the spelling of the specified value or omit the parameter to use the default value (keyword).
<errors> <error code"432" error="From date is not a valid date. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2016-10-31."/> </errors>
Meaning: The from_date parameter value is not valid. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Accepted values for period parameter are "today", "yesterday", or a specified number of days or months such as "7 days" or "3 months".
Note: Valid combinations are from_date and to_date parameters together, or period only.
Solution: Check the spelling of the specified value or omit the parameter to use the default value (today). Also make sure to correctly URL encode values.
<errors> <error code"432" error="To date is not a valid date. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD,
for example 2016-10-31."/> </errors>
Meaning: The to_date parameter value is not valid. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Accepted values for period parameter are "today", "yesterday", or a specified number of days or months such as "7 days" or "3 months".
Note: Valid combinations are from_date and to_date parameters together, or period only.
Solution: Check the spelling of the specified value or omit the parameter to use the default value (today). Also make sure to correctly URL encode values.
<errors> <error code"432" error=Parameter period is not compatible with date keyword grouping. Specify From Date and To Date only instead. </errors>
Meaning: The period parameter cannot be used with date_keyword. Specify From Date and To Date only instead.
Note: date_keyword cannot be displayed on a period basis because it is designed to display reporting values on a per date fashion rather than as an aggregate for an entire period
Solution: Determine the appropriate from_date and to_date parameters and use those instead of the period parameter
<errors> <error code"432" error="Period is not valid. Valid settings are "yesterday", "today", "last 7 days", "month to date", "last month", "last 30 days", "last 3 months", "all time"."/> </errors>
Meaning: The period parameter value is not valid. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Accepted values for period parameter are "yesterday", "today", or a specified number of days or months such as "last 7 days", "month to date", "last 30 days", "last 3 months" or "all time".
Note: Valid combinations are from_date and to_date parameters together, or period only.
Solution: Check the spelling of the specified value or omit the parameter to use the default value (today). Also make sure to correctly URL encode values.
<errors> <error code"432" error="From Date must not be later than To Date"/> </errors>
Meaning: The from_date value is after the to_date value. Dates must be in chronological order.
Solution: Ensure the from_date and to_dates values are entered in the correct order for the parameters.
<errors> <error code"432" error="Either Period only, or both From Date and To Date must be specified."/> </errors>
Meaning: You have used the parameters from_date, to_date and period in the same query. Either from_date and to_date or period can be used.
Solution: Set a custom range using from_date and to_date or a set a specified number of days or months using period. Accepted values are "today", "yesterday", or a specified number of days or months such as "last 7 days", "month to date", "last 30 days", "last 3 months" or "all time".