API Queries - Update Suggest

The update_keyword function allows you to change settings or the status of an existing brands. This function requires additional parameters. Although optional parameters are not all required, at least one must be included. Failing to include required parameters or at least one optional will result in an error response.

Additional Parameters

  • keyword - Name of Keyword to update. (Required)
  • folder - Name of the folder where the keyword is added. (Required)
  • traffic_type - The traffic type, either "desktop", "mobile" or "all". (Required)
  • my_bid- Your bid for the keyword. (Optional)
  • daily_limit - Daily spend limit for the keyword. (Optional)
  • target_url- The Target URL, including https:// (Optional, campaign will be moved to pending section for approval)
  • channel - Suggest (Required)
  • active- To Stop or Activate the keyword, use values 0 or 1, respectively. (Optional)
  • geo_target - The Geo Target, either "all", "us", "uk", "ca", "au", "nz", "in", "br", "de", "fr", "nl", "it", or "es". (Required)
  • freq_cap- Limit on number of visits per unique user in 24 hour period. Choose from "3", "6" or "12". (Optional)
  • bl_subid- Adds subid to blacklist. (Optional)
  • del_bl_subid- Removes blacklisted subid. (Optional)
  • wl_subid- Adds subid to whitelist. (Optional)
  • premium_bid- Premium bid amount for whitelisted subid. (Required)
  • other_subid_traffic- Allow traffic from whitelisted subids plus all other subids associated with this campaign.
  • 1 is ON and 0 is OFF. Default is 1 (on). (Optional, only approved campiagn can be enabled)
  • del_wl_subid - Removes subid from whitelist. (Optional)

Note: The traffic_type, channel and geo_target parameters are used to select the correct keyword and will not be changed. Make sure to URL encode all values, most importantly the target_url value.

Sample Query


<result Setting="MyBid" Success="$55.00" />
<result Setting="DailySpendLimit" Success="$5000.00" />
<result Setting="TargetUrl" Success="http://www.amazon.com" />

Error Responses:

Possible error responses for this function are:

As for Subid error code to chris

For a complete list of error responses, see the Error Codes manual page.